Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why pics

Igor at his finest (struggled to resist posting it ... resistance is futile) .. All your base are belong to us?

The difference between men and women

New stills from the new wolverine movie ... Liev Schreiber will play Sabertooth ... AND ZOMGZOMGZOMG Ryan Reynolds will play Deadpool !!!!!1!!
...I can now die happily

He always knew having a kid would come back to bite him in the ...

Shot from photo shoot vs. how it came out on the magazine

"I have nothing interesting to say; I should blog about it"

All I play is W.o.W. so my gaming reviews have gone down the toilet, all I do is fund raise so anything else to share is also gone (a.k.a. writing). Still you click, you chuckle (except for Igor who snorts), you move on. 5 minutes well spent.

1 comment:

King of the Grunts said...

You die.
A moment of true splendor I know