Wednesday, April 02, 2008

...and the fact that mine says .50 cal A.E. should perpetuate further shrinkage.

In the world of guns the Desert Eagle is the modern equivalent to the ancient steel shod lance.
Impossibly expensive, extremely powerful, and sci-fi technology make this the modern knights choice of side arms.

In the early 80's Magnum Research Inc. got paid to invent something that would give their tank commanders an advantage.
They discarded the traditional blow back method the far vast majority of side arms choose, in place of a gun that works like a mini assault rifle.
A gun that its ammo costs $30 for a box of 20 bullets, a pistol that costs more then a lot of people's cars, a gun thats been featured in almost every video game.
A gun that you can change the caliber by merely switching the barrel, bolt, and bullets.
A pistol that can put a hole through a suburban townhouse (please aim for the windows).

A baby that jambs less then anyone else- except if your using naked lead (un-jacketed as opposed to full metal jacket).
One of the very few clip fed handguns to commercially use a magnum round (if chosen).
The d-eagle uses polygonal rifling (that means instead of the hills and valleys you get when you look down Bond's gun, the d-eagle is a twisted octagon).

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