Friday, March 07, 2008

U.S. infantry: future weapon?

The U.S. defense has released the knowledge that it is planning on re-testing the last Aberdeen results.

The results of the test will lay heavily on the choice the U.S. defense picks for it's next outfitter contract as a small arms rifle. Though the official statement is "yet to be stated".

In Oct. 2007 ten of each type of rifle were used to fire 6,000 rounds each, for a total of 60,000 rounds per rifle type, the rifles were fired in extremely dusty/windy/moist conditions. (the test chamber's called the "dust bowl")
The guns and the results were:

H&K's XM8 (the the "x" signifying it's still never been released)
127 stoppages

F.N.'s S.C.A.R. (damn French)
226 stoppages

H&K's 416 (changed from HK16 due to wanting to avoid possible copyright infringements)
223 stoppages

Colt's M4A1 (only american company jockeying for the position, and the current issue of army dum-dum's)
882 stoppages
(shown with a forward handle)

Colt got a "re-test" sanctioned due to scoring 307 jams in the exact same test about 4 months before.
It shouldn't matter, Germany is top of the gun game.

On a side note: Bushmaster (who makes the M4 replica you can buy at Academy or Walmart) won it's court case against Colt. With the judge declaring that the "signature shape", "design", and the name "M4" now being "generic". With bushmaster simply b
eing slapped on the hand for false advertising.
Step one for any company wanting to take on the man. That aside bushmaster sucks

The Bushmaster M4

1 comment:

Chad said...

I think that XM8 is extremely sexy. It exudes sex appeal.

..I'd totally bear its children.