Wednesday, March 05, 2008

E. Gary Gygax: This one's for you

Todays the day we all shed a tear and lift our pints in your honor bro.
You were a visionary, an inspiration, and a god among us mere mortals. May your eternal mansion be rolled for on a 20 sided and your harem always play classical music.

...with sword in hand I raise my fist, wipe the beer off my barbaric jaw, and salute thee.
"Rest easy old friend, we'll be along shortly"

I wonder if he'll get to the pearly gates and St. Peter will ask him to roll a save-vs-hell.
Chick Publications made so much hype calling D&D "Satan worship" an all that crap, Gygax removed all "devils" and "demons" from the full second edition, making the world think that Christians believe "if you don't see it it won't exist". I wonder what version the Almighty is gonna be playing with him.

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